Our Carmelite school has participated with great success in the United Nations Model of the Southern Region (MUNSUR), which is a simulated exercise of the parliamentary procedures of the United Nations (UN).
The MUNSUR is held in the Arequipa region for students of public and private educational institutions and universities in the region, and is the first model of the international organization with an exclusive theme of the continent aimed to the students from the South region.
Carmelitas participated in this model for the first time thanks to the invitation of the organizers with 15 delegates from 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Secondary grades who, thanks to their commitment and training, were able to become the BEST DELEGATION of MUNSUR 2020.
Gracias a todos los delegados por su responsabilidad y entrega y a los Faculty Advisors: Daniel Huapaya, Eilin Noriega y Ariana Estela por su entrega y dedicación.
Thanks to all the delegates for their responsibility and dedication and to the Faculty Advisors: Daniel Huapaya, Eilin Noriega and Ariana Estela for their dedication.
Alberto Varela Faculty Advisor