The night of June 10th, we held the KET, PET AND FCE NIGHT, a recognition ceremony for the students that successfully took the above mention international exams.

Father Adolfo Medrano O.Carm presided the meeting with the participation of the school Headmaster, Mrs. Ursula Toro Lira, the Academic Coordinator, Mr. Gustavo Irujo, Ms. Jovanna Díaz, Head of Activities and, from the English Department, Ms. Matilde Mendiola and Mr. Miguel Sierra.

Father Adolfo opened the night with a prayer and then, in a cozy ceremony, Ms. Mendiola started calling the students one at a time. They came forward where Father Adolfo and Mrs. Toro Lira handed them their diplomas with a small present for having successfully achieved their goals.

After the ceremony parents and students gather together to take some photos.

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